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The Indexer API, Transaction Stream Service, and Custom Processors are currently in beta. Please report any problems you encounter by creating an issue in the aptos-indexer-processors repo.

The Aptos Indexer is an API you can use to get:

  1. Aggregate data (ex. How many NFTs exist?)
  2. Historical data (ex. What transactions has this account submitted?)
  3. Data that is hard to get from the simpler Aptos Node API (ex. What account owns a token named “ExampleToken”?).

For example, you can use the Indexer API to look up the fungible asset balances of any account like so:


The Indexer tracks every transaction that happens on-chain, then exposes that data through a GraphQL API.

Using the Indexer API

Learn how to use the Indexer API, what each table represents, and how to add custom data to the Indexer.

Example Queries

To help get you started, here are the most common queries the Indexer is used for.

Customizing the Indexer (Advanced)

If the hosted Indexer API is not enough, you can customize and host your own versions of the Indexer.

Legacy Indexer

Find information about the legacy indexer here.

Last updated on